Reports and presentations 2014 archive

Quarterly reports

Quarter Report Presentation Financial highlights Webcast
Quarter: 4Q 2014 Report: 4Q 2014 Report pdf 1.1 MB Presentation: 4Q 2014 Presentation pdf 0.7 MB Financial highlights: 4Q 2014 Financial highlights xls 0.06 MB
Quarter: 3Q 2014 Report: 3Q 2014 Report pdf 1.1 MB Presentation: 3Q 2014 Presentation pdf 0.8 MB
Quarter: 2Q 2014 Report: 2Q 2014 Report pdf 1 MB Presentation: 2Q 2014 Presentation pdf 0.7 MB
Quarter: 1Q 2014 Report: 1Q 2014 Report pdf 0.6 MB Presentation: 1Q 2014 Presentation pdf 0.7 MB

Annual report

Reports Key figures Financial statements Country by country GRI Report
Annual Report 2014 pdf 6.6 MB
Country by country:


Document Date added Language
Document: Bond roadshow pdf 5.1 MB Date added: December 08, 2014 Language: English

Annual General Meeting(2)

Document Date added Language
Document: Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2014 pdf 0.1 MB Date added: May 06, 2014 Language: English
Document: Presentaion held at AGM 2014 pdf 0.6 MB Date added: May 06, 2014 Language: English
Document: Proposal Nomination Committee 2014 pdf 0.2 MB Date added: April 14, 2014 Language: English
Document: AGM notice and agenda 2014 pdf 0.06 MB Date added: April 14, 2014 Language: English
Document: Generalforsamlingsprotokoll 2014 pdf 3 MB Date added: May 06, 2014 Language: Norwegian
Document: Valgkomiteens innstilling 2014 pdf 0.1 MB Date added: April 14, 2014 Language: Norwegian
Document: Innkalling med agenda til årsmøtet 2014 pdf 0.05 MB Date added: April 14, 2014 Language: Norwegian