Feed Supplements to suit all needs

Ensuring animals have optimum diets may require feed supplementation when grazing quality is poor – including some specially-designed licks that avoid wastage in wet weather.

What are feed supplements for animals?

Feed supplements are phosphate, calcium and trace mineral mixtures that can be given to grazing animals during the dry or rainy season. They supplement grazing when it is deficient in minerals and trace minerals.

Source: L. Guegen, M. Lamond, F. Meschy, Nutrition Minerale, 1988

The benefits of supplementing animal feed

Supplementing phosphorous in animal feed:

  • Increases production
  • Increases fertility
  • Improves growth
  • Improves skeletal development

Principal phosphorus utilisation in a dairy cow diagram

Source: www.feedphosphates.org

Wide range of supplement options

Yara offer different feed supplements to suit all needs – there are even unique, specially-designed water-resistant licks that don't degrade or become inedible in heavy rain.

Kimtrafos 6 Grandé and Kimtrafos 12 Grandé

A granular phosphate and trace mineral supplement and concentrate with a distinctive molasses smell and taste. The supplements will supply the animal with phosphorous and calcium as well as essential trace minerals such as cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium and iodine.

PhosSure 6 and PhosSure 12

A phosphate and trace mineral supplement and concentrate with a strong molasses smell and taste. PhosSure will also supply the animal with phosphorous and calcium, but has the added benefit of increased levels of trace minerals.

PhosSure is also unique because of its water resistant properties. It will form a protective crust over the lick when it rains. After the rain the animals can break the crust and continue eating the undamaged lick – so there's no wastage of rain-damaged lick.

PhosPro 17

A unique water-resistant phosphate, salt, trace mineral and protein supplement for ruminants in the summer or autumn. PhosPro 17 is enriched with a molasses by-product which gives it a distinctive molasses smell and taste. Five percent urea is added to supply the rumen microbes with protein for optimal activity.

Our product range

Feed supplements product range

Kimtrafos 6 Grandé

Kimtrafos 12 Grandé

PhosSure 6

PhosSure 12

PhosPro 17

Kalori 3000

Maximize livestock production
Maximize livestock production

Maximize livestock production

Maximize livestock production efficiency and business profitability whilst minimizing phosphorus voiding.

Read more on Yara’s studies on the importance of the inorganic feed phosphate source for pellet manufacturing and pellet quality.

Download the document (pdf, 0.1 MB)

Spray dried molasses byproduct

Easy to transport and store, dried molasses byproduct powder has advantages for users over liquid molasses because of its low moisture and fibre content.

Liquid CMS (condensed molasses solubles produced from the fermentation process of molasses to produce ethanol) is mixed with hydrated lime to obtain a desired pH of 10 – 10.5. This mixture is then spray dried to produce a fine brown powder with low moisture (< 4 %) and low fibre content.

The powder has a strong molasses taste and smell and can be added to any lick or mixed feed to increase palatability.

It is also very hygroscopic and will draw in moisture from the air. This reduces dustiness in a lick or feed mixture and will give the mixture a pleasant smell and taste. Because of the fineness of the product, it can also be used as a binding agent in blocks and pellets.

This product is suitable for all species.

Our product range: Kalori 3000.