October 09, 2015
Save the rainforest or feed the growing population?
As one of Norway’s largest companies, Yara plays a key role in paving the way for a more sustainable future. Guided by a sustainable business strategy it is Yara’s belief and conviction that agriculture can and will become more efficient in the coming years . As we approach 2050, the world population will grow to 9 billion people, requiring a 60 percent increase in food production. This increase in food production cannot compromise the need to decrease greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Agriculture is a key component in reaching the new Sustainable Development Goals recently adopted by the UN.Yara is determined to contribute to food security, resource optimization and safeguarding the environment through knowledge sharing, partnerships and innovative solutions. At #klodenvår, Svein Tore Holsether, Yara’s CEO & President, will talk more about how Yara works to deliver on its commitment to sustainable food production.
“We know that agriculture is responsible for a considerable share of global emissions. Yara is committed to offer climate smart solutions to agriculture and is taking deliberate steps to reduce its carbon footprint. In Yara we have halved our own greenhouse gas emissions. A great accomplishment – but we want to do more and therefore actively engage in partnerships to promote climate smart solutions in the food chain,” said Holsether.
In December, world leaders will gather in Paris in an attempt to reach a global agreement on how to tackle climate challenge. Will they succeed? What will the agreement include? And why is it important to reach a global agreement to tackle climate change? At the #klodenvår conference in Oslo, Christina Figueres the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, will let the audience in on what to expect from the COP21 in December.
We will also hear from former EU Commissioner for Climate Connie Hedegaard, world famous former NASA Head Climate Scientist James Hansen, Norwegian Climate and Environmental Minister Tine Sundtoft and polar explorer Børge Ousland among others.