Cracking the reliability code
For years Yara’s Tringen plant in Trinidad has struggled with recurring issues causing production losses. Now they’re turning it around with our targeted reliability program.
Since 2019 Tringen unit 1 has added around 50,000 tonnes/year of ammonia production 1) without any significant investment in infrastructure. This has been achieved through Yara’s targeted reliability program for underperforming units (RCIP), which builds on the Yara Productivity System (YPS).
RCIP pilots were recently completed at the plants in Tringen and Tertre (Belgium) with the full program now being rolled out to other plants including Pilbara, Cubatao and Ambes.
“I’m confident we can replicate the improvement we’ve seen in Trinidad and Tertre, enabling us to hit our 2023 improvement targets.”
Both pilot plants have increased their Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by double digits since implementing the program, something EVP Yara Global Plants and Operational Excellence, Pål Hestad, believes can be repeated at other sites.
“There’s still significant potential to improve the reliability of our existing plants,” says Pål. “I’m confident we can replicate the improvement we’ve seen in Trinidad and Tertre, enabling us to hit our 2023 improvement targets.”
Fix it forever to stop forever fixing
The RCIP program helps plants eliminate complex recurring issues through root cause problem solving, among other techniques. One such issue at Tringen involved a critical fan, which occasionally failed and brought the plant down with it. Each time this occurred, plant operators would replace the fan and get the plant back online.
But while their quick action minimized downtime, it didn’t solve the underlying issue. And the losses added up over time. Seeking a permanent solution, this issue was targeted with RCIP.
Rather than reacting and solving the symptom, the team at Tringen used root cause problem solving, and found a multi-barrier approach to eliminate the issue for good, including a design simplification, a change in the operational response to the fan and replacing an old cable.
These changes mean higher uptime and increased output at a time when favorable market conditions mean every extra ton will secure an attractive price.
Delivering on YIP 2.0 by 2023 through:
- More volumes from our existing plants by improving reliability
- Reduced spend on consumption factors, such as energy, through better reliability and new technology
- Reduced variable unit cost through scale, advanced category management, and collaboration
- Reduced fixed costs through standardization and scale benefits
- Improved commercial effects by more targeted offerings and channel development